العدد 1


العدد 1 | 02 كانون الأول 2013

Abdullah Almottaki

The chubby woman licked her rather brown lower lips. She splashed an expensive perfume on her earlobe and ... قراءة المزيد

Wings of Plastic Goose

العدد 1 | 02 كانون الأول 2013

Khaled bin Saleh

The constant rain of previous two nights Sent wet our wings we bought from junkie shops It was a day you were swept by the charm of the illuminating Eiffel Tower With its blue lights blowing away your robes leaving ... قراءة المزيد

Allah that I know is not Allah who you know

العدد 1 | 02 كانون الأول 2013

Sarah Ali

Tomorrow I go to House of God، Circumbiating the Ka’abah with my pain starting from spirit’s black ache Chanting Allahu Akbar whenever I align with a door leading to me. In the first six rounds I would pray: Oh Allah ... قراءة المزيد

Gogol\’s Coat and Syrian Fascism

العدد 1 | 02 كانون الأول 2013

Ziad Abdullah

Darwin and Dracula: The minorities had some relief from their fear owing to the restoration of brightness of “The Origin of Species.” The majority has proliferated and it has been approved by more than one party on the “Ecstasy and ... قراءة المزيد

History of Love

العدد 1 | 02 كانون الأول 2013

By Ahmed Soarkah

A Palm from the unseen Two long seas and asun I came into the door of God A cropped year And a desert with two halves The surplus is flowing The sign gets up ... قراءة المزيد